What else to do on a bank holiday weekend Up-cycled cable spool outdoor dining table. Challenge 1 Push up pewley hill. Challenge 2 Reduce height for correct dining ergonomics Challenge 3 Sand sand sand Challenge 4 Put it all back together …", "name": "What else to do on a bank holiday weekend", "authors": []}, "link": {"locale": "en", "title": "What else to do on a bank holiday weekend", "site_name": "Popup Treehouses", "description": "Up-cycled cable spool outdoor dining table. Challenge 1 Push up pewley hill. Challenge 2 Reduce height for correct dining ergonomics Challenge 3 Sand sand sand Challenge 4 Put it all back together Still to come. Challenge 5 Cook a meal.
Original article and pictures take http://popuptreehouses.wordpress.com/2013/08/28/what-else-to-do-on-a-bank-holiday-weekend/ site
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